Transparency and openness are the two main reasons why DeFi exists and has thrived over TradFi to date, but they are qualities that are still often lacking in many projects. At HOPE Finance, we want the community to feel safe using the platform. To do this we have removed the need to even have to trust us as everything can be verified by yourself. As the popular saying in Bitcoin/crypto goes, "Don't trust, verify.".
To date we have completed a full review of the current contracts without issue and have also renounced ownership of the HOPE token contract making it impossible for anyone/anything except for the Treasury contract to mint more HOPE.
KYC - https://auditrate.tech/certificate/certificate_Hope_Finance.html
Audit Contract.
Audit link: https://auditrate.tech/images/pdf/GenesisRewardPool_0x95bCc720EC902012fFB02b7E0Aea30209D2C6e3B.pdf https://www.cognitos.io/hopefinance-farmingcontract-audit
We get an audited Genesis contract to make the community feel safe using this platform. Even we will renounce ownership of genesis contract before genesis launch.
Contract Renouncing
By default, the HOPE token contract has a mint function that allows the owner of the contract to mint tokens on demand, this has been the rug method of several forks to date. To prevent a malicious team from minting a large number of tokens and selling them, the ownership of this contract can be renounced, thereby removing the ability for anything except for the Treasury contract to mint tokens, which can only follow its programmed schedule of minting.
Last updated