🎇Dream Reward Pool

DreamRewardPool with a Leverage Trading Opportunity

Leverage Trading Opportunity

We provide Leveraged Trading Opportunity in during the Genesis and DreamReward periods.

If users deposit more than the minimum trading amount, they can do leverage trading.

For long positions, you need to deposit in the USDC pool For short positions, you need to deposit in the WETH pool.

There is a 0.15% funds back tax per day and a 5% profit tax. These taxes are only charged when users get profits from leveraged trading. And we are going to update these based on the opinions of the community later.

Profit will be added to your deposited amount to expend your reward amount, and you can withdraw it at any time.

DreamRewardPool Information

Stake HOPE-WETH or DREAM-WETH to get the DREAM reward. Or you can deposit WETH or USDC tokens to get the DREAM reward as well. In this case, a 1% deposit fee will be applied.

There are total 4 pools for genesis, 62,000 HOPE token will be distributed during Dream Reward Period for 180 days

Fee Mechanism

We will use these fees for main token buy back, add liquidity and marketing.

Last updated